- Insure surfaces are dry, free of contaminants, loose material, dust free, straight and sound.
- Fibre-Crown Mouldings Inc. details are manufactured using EPS, Fibre-Mesh and Fibre-Crete. The Fibre-Mesh is to be folded back 180 degrees to sit flat against substrate. If you are not using mesh to tie into scratch coat, cut and remove mesh, exposing only the EPS for attachment.
- Using a 3/8 notched trowel apply approved cementitious compound or adhesive to the surface that will be in contact with the substrate. Also apply a thin coat to the contact surface or (substrate). To ensure maximum bonding while the adhesive is wet, apply pressure on the entire length of the molding moving back & forth with a lateral motion. Immediately remove extra adhesive and wipe clean with a damp cloth.
- All details should be held in place with mechanical fasteners until adhesive sets. For example: clamps, galvanized nails, screws and washers.
- All mitered and butted surfaces must be coated with adhesive.
- Fibre-Mesh is to be applied 3” past each side of joint. A skim coat of adhesive is to be applied over top and allowed to dry.
- Joints should be sanded smooth.
- Use a diamond blade saw or equivalent to cut mouldings to size.
- Fibre-Crown architectural products must be kept dry at all times prior to installation and painting.
- We recommend using PL Premium or similar solvent free construction adhesives or exterior grade thin-set.
- Fibre-Crown architectural products are to be primed and painted with exterior acrylic latex paint or with elastomeric paint.
- Larger sized architectural mouldings and elements may require the use of metal tracks (z-bar or hat-tracks) for safer installation results (see pictures below)